The E-Bike Cargo/Family Hauler Seattle Scrubdown

Want your components to last longer? In addition to the full Safety Dance, we’ll degrease your drivetrain and eliminate the harsh road grime that sends chains and cassettes to an early grave. Your bike will run smoothly and quietly, and we’ll relube it with season-appropriate products. We will also clean your braking surfaces to slow down the wear on your rims or rotors.

Includes Safety Check, plus:
  • Removal of drivetrain components and full cleaning

Safety Check

  • Adjust brakes
  • Lube drivetrain
  • Inspect bicycle
  • inspect all electrical wiring
  • Inflate tires
  • Test ride

Appointment length: 60 minutes

This service booking requires $100 or more in other services to qualify for on-site appointment.

Misc. shop supplies up to 5% of the total bill. 

No diagnostic charge if work is performed.

All used parts are returned at the completion of service unless disposal of parts is requested.

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