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Coffee  COFFEE   C O F F E E !!!!!

Coffee COFFEE C O F F E E !!!!!

August 08, 2018



Coffee is my favorite way to consume caffeine. I need it to get going in the morning. It’s nice iced on a warm afternoon (especially if I need to put in a few late hours). Coffee brings people together, it’s there to warm you on a chilly day, it’s there when you sit down and talk to friends in good times and bad.


Before Shots and Sprockets was a reality I remember sitting at coffee shops while taking a break on a bike ride and mapping out the rest of my ride so I could swing by a bike shop if needed. I spoke to a couple of friends that had ridden in Europe and they all said every bike shop they went into had an espresso machine and the barista was the most important person in the shop. Even more so than the mechanic!


So here I am in Seattle working my dream. I have a mobile bicycle repair shop and a coffee trike that serves Cold Brew and Nitro Coffee. We can be found at Farmers Markets, city sanctioned bicycle events and a few Washington State Bicycle Association races. We proudly import a selection of custom roasted coffees from Hawaii. We also use fresh roasted Herkimer Coffee as the coffee in our Cold Brew and Nitro kegs.

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End of season Seattle Scrubdown!

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